Being a Hospice Patient
Aria is the term for a soloist in an opera, a person who sings alone but is accompanied by an orchestra. As our journey through life comes to a close we are surrounded by our own personal orchestra, people who care for us and love us.
Transitioning to Hospice is a simple process.
Hospice is not a substitute for care already provided by family, friends, and paid caregivers; rather, hospice supplements and supports that care.
If you have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, you can contact our team and we will help you understand how hospice care can provide comfort and assistance throughout this journey.
Once you have completed the hospice enrollment process, a nurse will meet with you and your family to review medications, address immediate concerns, and provide education about the disease process and your individual care plan. Our team will continue to work with your physician by providing regular updates and receiving consultation throughout this journey.
Your Circle of Care team work together to complete a comprehensive assessment of your physical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual needs. They will help educate your family and loved ones, supporting them as they learn how to best care for your daily needs.
We work with your family to create a plan of care that focuses on providing comfort for you and support for your family and loved ones during this difficult journey.
A nurse is available 24 hours a day...
...seven days a week, to assist patients and families with questions and changes that may occur. A nurse is always available for a home visit.
Care Plan Includes:
The patient and family identified goals, needs, and concerns
The interventions that will be provided for addressing identified goals, needs, and concerns
A schedule of visits to be made by hospice staff
All medications currently taken related to the terminal illness, including both prescription and over-the-counter medicine
Equipment and supplies that are needed, including such items as adjustable beds, shower bench, oxygen, wheelchair, and other items to keep the patient comfortable, independent and safe