Why Hospice Care?
Aria is the term for a soloist in an opera, a person who sings alone but is accompanied by an orchestra. As our journey through life comes to a close we are surrounded by our own personal orchestra, people who care for us and love us.
Why Hospice Care?
Hospice Care is a holistic family-centered program designed to provide hope, care, and comfort to individuals with a life-limiting illness.
For many people, hospice is a frightening word because it is associated with giving up hope and giving into death. In reality, hospice care provides the opportunity for patients to reclaim and maintain their quality of life. Our team of compassionate nurses, doctors, spiritual counselors and volunteers provide emotional and spiritual support to help you navigate this journey and guide you towards acceptance, healing and peace.
Hope of remission and cure is never abandoned with hospice.
Why Hospice Care?
Most people who are living with life-limited illnesses or who no longer benefit from curative medical intervention often feel like they have lost complete control over their lives and are worried about what will happen next. We believe people struggling through this should be able to choose where they want to be, their level of care and how they want to complete their journey.
We work closely with patients and families to manage the practical details and emotional challenges of caring for a loved one with an illness so you can truly reclaim quality time with your loved ones.
Aria Hospice Comfort Care is dedicated to ensuring that veterans with a life-limiting illness have access to high-quality hospice care.
Veterans often have unique medical, social, spiritual and emotional needs. Our care focuses on understanding the difficult circumstances faced by many Veterans near the end of life, such as: war-related medical diseases, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, unresolved issues associated with the stresses of military service, and financial and benefit concerns.