Hospice VS. Palliative Care – Is There a Difference?

At Aria Hospice Comfort Care, one question we get asked very often is “what is the difference between palliative care and hospice? This is understandably confusing as there is a level of intersection between the two. There is, however, a few key distinctions between the two that should help you understand which sort of care is needed either for yourself, or for a loved one.

First, let’s break down what Palliative Care is.


(pal·li·a·tive /ˈpalēˌādiv,ˈpalēədiv/)
adjective: palliative
1. (of a medicine or medical care) relieving pain without dealing with the cause of the condition.
- -- Merriam Webster Dictionary


Palliative care is care that is provided to a patient that is struggling with a life-altering illness which drastically impacts their life. Palliative care can be offered at any point, with specific focus on helping a patient cope with life-altering illness. There are a variety of conditions for which a patient may seek out palliative care, but the most common are: dementia, cancer, COPD and Alzheimer’s.

For these patients, palliative care will look very similar to hospice in that the focus is non-curative management of the symptoms and the impact of those symptoms on daily life. Palliative care is typically provided in an in-patient setting. Cost of palliative care varies with co-pays, and may not cover medications and does not cover medical equipment and supplies.

Hospice is very similar to Palliative care in that the focus is non-curative symptom management, but the main distinction is the timing for when care is offered. Because hospice care is paid 100% by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurances, it can only be offered if a doctor deems a patient has 6 months or less to live. This timeframe can of course be extended if a patient does well in hospice care and lives beyond that initial diagnosis.

What is Hospice?

Hospice, like palliative care, is focused non-curative solutions, but pain and symptom management. Hospice cares primarily for the patient, but also helps family and loved ones cope with a terminal diagnosis. The overarching goal of hospice is to allow a patient to live a comfortable, fulfilling and joy-filled life for as long as they possibly can.

  1. Hospice provides medications, supplies and durable medical equipment. All of these things are delivered to your doorstep. Time is so precious and we want your time spent doing the things that you love, with the people you love.

  2. Hospice surrounds you with a compassionate, interdisciplinary group of professionals to meet your need. This can include spiritual care, nurses, doctors, caregivers, and grief support. All of these loving team members work with your support system to address your needs, especially as the disease progresses.

  3. Hospice care prioritizes your comfort and quality of life.

At Aria Hospice Comfort Care, our goal is always to help you live the life you want to live, for as long as possible. We don’t want you to struggle with pain or discomfort, so we carefully manage your pain level, which gives you the freedom to spend quality time with your loved ones.

Hospice Myths

Whenever we talk about hospice, it’s very important to dispel the three most damaging myths associated with hospice.

  1. Hospice hastens death.
    Hospice is not put in place to hasten death, but to bring needed comfort as a patient begins to pass. Our goal is to facilitate a peaceful transition in every way. We try to encourage patients and loved ones to seek out care before it’s too long.

  2. Hospice can only be offered as a patient is actively dying.
    Hospice can be offered as soon as a doctor estimates a patient has 6 months or less to live. Hospice transitions a patient from a curative approach to a regimen more focused on quality of life and comfort. Very often, loved ones will wait until the last moment to seek out hospice care. This is even more problematic now with COVID, as it can be very difficult to honor your loved one’s wishes if they need emergency medical care. If a patient’s wish is to pass in the comfort of their own home, the best thing you can do for them is to seek out hospice care early. This ensures all the pieces in place so that they can continue to live life, receiving the assistance they and their loved ones need during this challenging time. Seeking out care early alleviates stress, and leaves ample space to prepare both the patient and their loved ones.

  3. Hospice is only for the patient.
    Hospice is holistic support. At Aria Hospice Comfort Care, that means we provide wraparound care for both the patient and the loved ones. We know how challenging the process of death can be on the patient’s entire support system. There is so much fear and anxiety over what will happen and how to best care for a loved one. We endeavor to make this a peaceful transition and work with the patient’s support system to make that possible. We also provide grief support to the loved ones once the patient has passed.

Comfort, not corporate

Though it can be very difficult to accept a terminal diagnosis, it’s good to keep in mind that death is a natural process that we all will one day face. The focus should always be on living your life, surrounded by those you love, taking part in the activities that bring you joy for as long as you possibly can. Hospice care makes this possible by providing patients with a whole team of support that can work with you and your loved ones.

At Aria Hospice Comfort Care; our goals of care are your goals of care. We listen to you and want to ensure that your comfort and quality of life are optimal. We never prohibit anyone from seeking curative treatment but too often patients are not given the opportunity to be comfortable or focus on the quality of their life only on extending it. Our goal is to have you live as long as you are able while maintaining your comfort, dignity and supporting you to do what brings you joy! In Tucson, you have the choice to have a local, community hospice that truly gets to know you and your family/friends so that we can better support all your needs. When looking at Hospice vs. Palliative know that in Tucson you have the option for something better…….Comfort Care!! Contact Aria Hospice Comfort Care to find out what we can do for you and your loved ones. We are comfort not corporate!

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How Do I Know When To Call Hospice?


A New Life